Substance Use Disorder Support and Treatment
We host Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) & Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings at our kitchens.
NA meets at Conner on Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
AA meets at Meldrum on Mondays and Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
AA and NA meetings are closed meetings for individuals seeking assistance with addiction. Our certified addictions counselor at Meldrum and our social worker at Conner are prepared to assist guests who may have a problem.
The Capuchin Soup Kitchen also sponsors Jefferson House, a twelve-bed, residential treatment facility for indigent males seeking to reclaim their lives from addictions. Residents normally complete their rehabilitation in six to nine months. During that time they learn to practice honesty, courage and other virtues essential to recovery and to the development of a sober, healthy and happy life. They participate in twelve-step recovery meetings, and are encouraged to continue such participation following their departure from Jefferson House. The program also provides opportunity to work at other Capuchin Soup Kitchen locations, for which the men are paid a modest stipend. New residents to Jefferson House are admitted via referral from inpatient substance abuse treatment programs. Jefferson House is accredited by CARF International and is one of the top 3% of therapeutic communities who received no recommendations for needed program revisions during CARF's most recent triennial accreditation review.